Year 5
5R Class Teacher: Miss Rowlands
5O Class Teacher: Mr O'Farrell
Support Staff: Miss Shepherd, Mrs Khan, Mrs Kaur
Key Information and Dates:
PE - Mondays
Homework (All due on a Friday, expect reading records which are due on a Thursday)
Reading records
Spelling shed (online homework)
Spelling homework (physical worksheet)
Maths shed (online homework)
Home-Learning Challenge (once every half-term)
Year 5 Yearly Overview 2024/25:
Greyscale version attached at the bottom of the page.
Photo Gallery: Click the image below to navigate to the photo gallery.
Useful websites and other games:
Letterjoin - School handwriting scheme
White Rose Maths- Videos to help support your learning
Joe Wicks Fitness Youtube Channel- Everyday a fitness challenge will be uploaded that you can take part in.
Spelling Frame- A range of games to help practice the Year 5/6 hot words.
BBC Bitesize - A range of useful information and video clips for a variety of subjects to help support your learning.
BBC Bitesize Videos - These are the videos found on iPlayer aimed at Year 6
Education Quizzes- Quizzes to help reinforce knowledge across a range of subjects
Jigsaw Home Learning- Stories and Calm Me time
Google Classroom - Submitting our home-learning challenges
Click the links above or the images below to navigate to the resources.